My coding journey started in 2022, when I took up my studies at 42Heilbronn. I will give you some project examples:
projects Libft: My own C library, consisting of helpful basic functions. Minishell: With my team partner we coded our own shell. We took an example of bash and recoded it quite well. Cub3d: A 3D Game, taking an example of the Wolfenstein game. It was a lot of maths! After that I knew, everything is possible. Inception: I learned about Docker and set up three containers (Database, Server, Wordpress) communicating with each other. Webserv: Our own Webserver. It took quite some time, but in the end we were proud of what we had archieved! Transcendence: The last project. Currently in work . . .
interests Javascript Java and Springboot Blockchain Technology Python Exploring frameworks and improving my CSS skills